5 Quick Snacks For When You’re Busy or Tired.

Those first few weeks postpartum with my first child I was so exhausted that I forgot to eat for 3 days, only (not really) sustaining myself with coffee. I know firsthand that when you’re tired or busy, finding quick snacks can make all the difference. These days I usually prep my snacks in advance so I don’t have to fuss with preparation during the busy day. So, here are five easy snack ideas for tired (or busy) mamas that require minimal preparation, whether you make them in advance or not!

1. Greek Yogurt with Honey and Berries

Grab a container of Greek yogurt, drizzle a bit of honey on top, and add a handful of fresh or frozen berries. Greek yogurt is high in protein and the berries add antioxidants and flavor, making this a quick and delicious snack.

2. Apple Slices with Nut Butter

Slice up an apple and pair it with a couple of tablespoons of almond butter, peanut butter, or any nut butter you like. Get experimental, there’s even sunflower butter! It’s a satisfying combination of crunchy fruit and creamy protein that can help keep you full.

3. Hummus and Veggies

Keep pre-cut veggies like carrot sticks, cucumber slices, or bell pepper strips in the fridge. Pair them with a few spoonfuls of hummus for a quick, crunchy snack that’s full of fiber and protein. There’s even different types of hummus offered, I love garlic hummus!

4. Cheese and Whole Grain Crackers

Combine a few slices of cheese with whole grain crackers for a simple, balanced snack. Even my tot will eat these! The cheese provides protein and calcium, while the crackers offer fiber to keep you satisfied.

Photo by Livilla Latini on Pexels.com

5. Overnight Oats

These are definitely an in advance snack or meal, but prepare a batch of overnight oats using rolled oats, milk or a milk alternative, and your favorite add-ins like chia seeds, nuts, or fruit. Store them in individual containers so you can quickly grab a serving from the fridge. There are so many different varieties of recipes, so check them out and try something new!

These snacks are not only quick to prepare but also provide the energy and nutrients needed to keep up with your busy day!

What’s your go to snack for busy days? Leave a comment below and help a fellow mom out!

xo, Beth.

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