Why I’m Doing This And What My Goals Are For This Blog.

It was back in January 2022 when I decided I was going to make the year about focusing on myself, from my physical health to my mental health to discovering what made me “me”. The universe had other plans for me though. Two Marches in a row I discovered I was pregnant and two Novembers in a row I gave birth. Between births I also made a major move from Texas to Idaho. So on top of navigating motherhood I’m also exploring my new-ish city.

Fast forward to 2024– I’ve got Nexplanon, two babies I absolutely adore, and the fire to organize and achieve my goals. And it all started with this goal board I made on my Shoplook account.

While I set the wheels in motion back in 2022, it was 2023 when I really got serious about organizing my goals and making them more achievable. However, the beautiful board I spent an hour on just wasn’t enough, especially now with two babies in tow. I needed to create something that could show me what I want to achieve overall while also breaking it down into bite-sized pieces. It was then that I discovered the Trello app!

Now, my goals are categorized and include checklists to make everything so much easier to track and check off!

So, why the blog? I wanted to document my journey of self-improvement. Sure, it’s mostly for me, but I realized that if there are others out there like me that would like to shake things up or discover who they are no matter what stage of life they’re in, then maybe seeing my journey could offer some insight, inspiration, and hopefully a few laughs too. My dream is for this blog to serve as a breath of fresh air from the picture-perfect facade of social media. I want this space to be authentic, messy, safe, and helpful

Finally, who am I? I’m Beth, a 29-year-old, plus-sized Latina from the vibrant city of San Antonio, Texas. If you look into my daily life, you’ll catch me mothering, creating, drinking coffee, writing, and cooking my family’s favorite foods in the kitchen! I’m passionate about fashion, beauty, and art. Even though I enjoy cooking, nothing beats my love for Chinese takeout (local spots, not Panda Express!).

I hope you’ll follow along on my adventure of self discovery, and maybe even get to learn something about yourself too!

xo, Beth.